Continuing Education & Workforce
The Continuing Education & Workforce Development Division at Roanoke-Chowan Community College offers educational, career, and personal development opportunities designed to address the needs and interest of individuals in the area communities.
We offer an array of non-credit courses and certificate programs in such areas as: Allied Health, Business and Industry Services, College and Career Readiness, Human Resources Development, Public Safety Programs, and the Small Business Services.
We also offer an array of personal enrichment classes that are entertaining, fun, and can teach an individual new skills and hobbies. Courses options span and include areas in art, dance, fitness, language, music, religion, safety and more based on community interest. Requests and suggestions for new courses are always welcome!
Most courses are available at a reasonable cost and may be offered when 10 to 15 people express interest and an instructor is available. Some of our offerings are free such as the small business courses and seminars offered by the Small Business Center.
We invite you to explore the course offerings by the Division and to join the thousands of others who have enjoyed our student-centered atmosphere and focus on academic excellence. For more information, please contact us at (252) 862-1307.
Programs of Study
Interested in a specific program of study? Click the images below for additional details.
Business & Industry
Human Resources Development
Public Safety
College and Career Readiness
Small Business Center
Advanced Manufacturing
Personal Services
Roanoke-Chowan Truck Driver (CDL) Training
Business & Industry Program
Human Resources Development Program
Employability Skills Alignment Project
Personal Services
Course Catalog & Virtual Tours
Find our latest Course catalog below for more information on current classes, as well as videos offering helpful tours of some of our new facilities.
Spring 2024 Continued Education Catalog
CNA - ADN Virtual Tour
UTCC Virtual Tour
North Carolina CRC Certification
Career Readiness Certification in North Carolina
Platinum WorkKeys NCRC
earners have scored a minimum level score of 6 on the ACT WorkKeys Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents Assessme
Gold WorkKeys NCRC
earners have scored a minimum level score of 5 on the ACT WorkKeys Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents Assessments
Silver WorkKeys NCRC
earners have scored a minimum level score of 4 on the ACT WorkKeys Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents Assessments
Bronze WorkKeys NCRC
earners have scored a minimum level score of 3 on the ACT WorkKeys Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents Assessments
Benefits of North Carolina Career Readiness Certification
Since North Carolina began conferring career readiness certifications, employers have said that training time has decreased, recruiting time has decreased and surveys of employees have found that employees are more satisfied. Roanoke-Chowan Community College has contributed to this success by being a leader in the state on the number of certifications issued.
What are the benefits for an individual?
- CRC increases your chances for employment and promotion.
- CRC focuses on employment-related competencies needed in any career.
- CRC provides training to help you obtain certification.
- CRC is a portable credential recognized by employers.
- CRC builds confidence that skills meet the needs of local employers.
- CRC increases your bottom line through your employees.
- CRC simplifies hiring by streamlining the application process.
- CRC reduces turnover, overtime, and waste while increasing morale.
- CRC takes the guesswork out of your selection decisions.
- CRC establishes legal defensibility in your selection process.
- CRC assists you to meet ISO 9000 standards and ensure quality business practices.
- CRC gets the most efficiency from your training practices.
- CRC improves the effectiveness of your training dollars.
- CRC encourages businesses to stay in the community.
- CRC keeps employers from moving entry-level jobs to other cities, states or countries.
- CRC increases the tax base through more profitable business partners.
- CRC decreases unemployment rates.
- CRC improves the quality of life for community residents.
- CRC encourages new businesses to locate to the community.
Total testing fee for National Career Readiness Certification (WorkKeys Assessments) = $45*
The WorkKeys assessments (NCRC) cost $15* per assessment
3 assessments: Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, Workplace Documents
> Please EMAIL Tishadda Walton at tgwalton6396@roanokechowan.edu for more information on testing availability.
> Payment will need to be made in full with the R-CCC Business Office PRIOR to testing.
*Cost subject to change