Student and Faculty Email Account Information
Google WAVES Accounts (Students and Faculty)
Roanoke-Chowan Community College provides an email account for its students. All students are expected to use this account for correspondence with faculty and staff.
New R-CCC accounts (E-mail and Moodle) are created shortly before classes begin, but no later than the first day of class. Passwords for all accounts are all managed individually (changing one will not change the others).
For example, if John Thomas Jones’ student ID is 0214545 and his birth date is January 4, 1980, his account would be as follows:
E-mail address and user name: jtjones4545@waves.roanokechowan.edu
Password: 01041980
Email Address
Example: jtjones4545@waves.roanokechowan.edu
For new students, this will be your:birth month + birth day + birth year
Month and Day are two digits, and Year is four digits.
Example: January 4, 1980 = 01041980
Reset Password
Complete the Gmail Password Reset Request Form or contact the Distance Learning Director at 252-862-1242 or submit a helpdesk ticket to r-ccchelpdesk@roanokechowan.edu
Office 365 Email Access (Faculty Only)
Login using your Self-Service (Windows) username: (Self-ServiceUsername@roanokechowan.edu) and password.