Herford County Early College High School
At HCECHS, we truly believe that all students can learn when provided with the right learning environment. It is our personal goal to help students be successful in an engaging and creative environment where they can obtain college credits and work toward Associate’s Degrees through our partnership with Roanoke Chowan Community College. As an innovative high school, we strive to ensure that students are prepared for college upon graduation from high school.
As a school, we work to incorporate innovative instruction, build collaborative partnerships, and motivate students to excel academically and socially to reach their college and career goals. Our technology-enriched, non-traditional learning environment will help students have the skills necessary for the 21st century. HCECHS actively continues to look at ways to improve our student performance, surpass state standards, and address larger community needs through the community service projects and internships that our students complete.
Our teachers meet during professional learning communities to address concerns and plan for the future to ensure that our students’ needs are being met. Support is part of the Early College design and students have access to a wide array of interventions to help them be successful including after-school tutoring, course counseling, club days, Friday seminars, college field trips, job fairs, advising, and writing center.
If you have questions about Early College, please give us a call at 252-332-7788 or stop by for a visit. Again, welcome to Hertford County Early College High School where we are ensuring our students read, write, think, and talk, every day in every class!
Please click here to review the application process or click here to learn more about the Early College program.