Student Grievance Procedure/Due Process
The purpose of the student grievance procedure is to provide a system to channel student complaints against faculty or staff (support and administrative) concerning the following:
- Alleged discrimination on the basis of age, sex, race, disability or other conditions, preferences or behavior, excluding sexual harassment complaints. (Sexual harassment complaints should be directed to the Dean of Student Development Services. Copies of the procedure may be obtained from this office.)
- Academic matters, excluding individual grades, except where the conditions above apply.
Step 1 The student must contact the instructor or staff member with whom the alleged problem originated. An attempt will be made to resolve the matter equitably and informally at this level. The conference must take place within 10 working days of the incident which generated the complaint. The student and instructor are encouraged to seek resolution informally before filing an academic grievance.
Step 2 If the complaint is not resolved at the informal conference with the instructor or staff member, the student should meet with the faculty of staff member’s direct supervisor within 10 working days after meeting with the faculty/staff person with whom the grievance is filed. As part of the effort to resolve the issue, the supervisor will consult with the accused and chief administrative officer of the division concerned.
Step 3 If the complaint is not resolved at the informal conference with the direct supervisor, the student may file a written grievance. The student must put the grievance in written form and shall include both a simple, straightforward statement of the grievance and a short, plain statement of facts that the student believes supports the contention. The written grievance must be presented to the Office of the Dean, Student Development Services within 10 working days after satisfying Step 2. The Office of the Dean, Student Development Services will refer the written grievance to the chief administrative officer of the division.
Step 4 The appropriate dean will notify the chairperson of the Student Conduct and Appeals Committee within 10 working days upon notification of the grievance to convene the committee and conduct a hearing. Committee Chair will convene the committee within 10 working days upon the dean’s notification. Following hearing procedures, the committee will decide by a majority vote the solution of the grievance and forward a recommendation and findings to the dean and the Office of the President within 5 working days after the hearing.
The President will review the committee’s findings/recommendations, make a final decision, and notify the student in writing within 10 working days. The President’s decision shall be final.
Dr. Tanya Oliver
Executive Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
PO Box 1248, Ahoskie, NC 27910