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Global Scholar Information

Global Distinction Courses

Globally Intensive Courses: Completion of 15 credit hours with a minimum grade of C in courses designated as having globally intensive content (see list below).

  • ART 111 Art Appreciation
  • ART 114 Art History Survey I
  • BUS 110 Intro to Business
  • CIS 110 Intro to Computers
  • ENG 111 Expository Writing
  • ENG 112 Writing/Research in the Discipline
  • HIS 221 African American History
  • MAT 143 Quantitative Literacy
  • MUS 110 Music Appreciation
  • PSY 150 General Psychology
  • SOC 210 Introduction to Sociology

Global Activities

Each semester R-CCC offers global activities that students can attend. Students are required to attend at least two activities per semester.

Examples of previous activities are found below.

Global Experience

Students are required to complete 30 hours of global experiences. Experiences can include personal travel abroad, volunteer opportunities, and cultural experiences through family and friends.

Capstone Project

Students create a personal career portfolio and digital presentation that will represent their experience as a Global Scholar.

Digital Presentation

A digital presentation should be created that includes voiceovers and wraps up each student's global scholar experience. This should be in a video format and should include images and work of the student's choice that showcases what s/he has learned and done throughout the global scholar process. 


Documents that should be included in a portfolio are listed below:

Global Projects

There are global projects that are assigned within each global course that students take. Students must include five (5) projects that they have completed. Each project should be from a different class and should not include instructor comments. Please note that students can only use projects from the courses that they have passed.

Evidence of Global Experiences 

Global Video Assignments- Students must include the assignments completed with the name of the videos and completion time 
And/or  Global Travel Evidence- If your global experience includes travel, you must include pictures and a paper on your experience.

Global Activities

Each student should attend a total of eight (8) global activities. There should be five (5) pictures and a typed paragraph discussing what you learned from each activity. Please see your global advisor if you attended an activity before COVID and do not have pictures.

Global Distinction Advisors

Teikeshia Archer

Teikeshia Archer, Division Director, Business & Vocational/Industrial Technologies
Phone: (252) 862-1218

Kimberly Harrell

Zachary Vinson
Welding Instructor
Phone: 252-862-1264

Michael Jefferson

Michael Jefferson, Lead Faculty
College Transfer
Phone: 252-862-4912

Peter J. Pellegrin

Dwight Parrish Jr., MS, Faculty
Biology Instructor
Phone: 252-862-1208

Latoya Stephenson

Latoya Stephenson, Lead Faculty
Business Technologies
Phone: 252-862-1296

COVID-19 Statement

Virtual activities have been held in the place of traditional on-campus activities due to COVID-19. To address travel concerns, virtual experiences are provided through Moodle.

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