Office of the Registrar Academic Policies
Academic Honors
President's List
At the end of each semester, full-time curriculum students (12 credit hours or more) in a major maintaining a semester GPA of 4.00 will be recognized on the President’s List. All coursework must be numbered 100 level or higher. A student with an “I - Incomplete” grade is not eligible for the President’s List in the semester the “Incomplete” is received.
Dean's List
At the end of each semester, full-time curriculum students (12 credit hours or more) in a major maintaining a semester GPA between 3.25 and 3.99 with no grades less than a “B” will be recognized on the Dean’s List. All coursework must be numbered 100 level or higher. A student with an “I - Incomplete” grade is not eligible for the Dean’s List in the semester the “Incomplete” is received.
Honor Graduate
There are two levels of distinctions--High Honors and Honors. To be considered a High Honor graduate, the student must have an overall program GPA of 4.00 upon completion of any degree or diploma program. To be considered an Honor graduate, the student must have an overall program GPA of 3.75 to 3.99 upon completion of any degree or diploma program.
Students must complete 50 percent of their course work at R-CCC.
Academic Progress
Academic Warning
Students who fail to maintain the minimum academic requirements will be placed on academic warning for the next semester and notified in writing of their status by the Registrar. Students on academic warning must consult with their advisor before registering again and can register for no more than 10 semester hours during the warning semester or term. Approval to enroll in more than 10 semester hours is allowed based upon extenuating circumstances and at the recommendation from the advisor. Students who registered early for more than 10 semester hours for the next semester will need to make the necessary schedule adjustments to meet the requirements during the academic warning period.
Students who fail to reestablish the required average during the warning semester will be placed on academic probation the next semester.
Academic Probation
Students who fail to reestablish the required average after the warning semester will be placed on academic probation and notified in writing of their status by the Registrar. Students on academic probation can register for no more than six semester hours until the minimum academic requirements are achieved.
Approval to enroll in more than 6 semester hours is allowed based upon extenuating circumstances and at the recommendation from the advisor.
Students on academic probation are making unsatisfactory progress and, therefore, are not eligible for financial aid or VA benefits. Student status is calculated each semester for all full- and part-time students, excluding Special Credit students.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Each curricular student is expected to make satisfactory academic progress (SAP) toward obtaining a degree or diploma. At the end of each semester, a student’s GPA for that period and his/her cumulative GPA are examined. The minimum cumulative GPA for remaining in good standing is shown in the following scale.
Attempted Credit Hrs. |
GPA Diploma |
GPA Degree |
16-27 | 1.65 | 1.65 |
28-39 | 1.80 | 1.80 |
40-53 | 2.00 | 1.95 |
54 & above | 2.00 | 2.00 |
Attendance Requirements
Regular class attendance and promptness is important to good scholarship. All students are expected to attend class on the first day scheduled for a course. Students who have not attended at least once by the 10% percent date (census date) of the class will be dropped by the instructor as never entered (NE). Regardless of the reasons for absences, instructors WILL drop students who accumulate absences totaling 15% of instructional course hours. Students dropped by an instructor prior to the last day to drop without academic penalty (60% point) will receive a grade of “W”. Students dropped by an instructor after the 60% point will receive a grade of “WP” or “WF”.
Students adding courses after the first day of class are expected to report to class on the next meeting date. Students entering a class after the first meeting date are not excused from any missed initial course requirements. Instructors having students experiencing attendance problems and other issues that impact progress should initiate an Early Alert through Aviso, which is submitted to the counselor. Absences from class do not relieve students of meeting all course requirements. Those who do not meet minimum attendance requirements will be given the grade of “WF,” which will be computed in the students’ grade- point averages as a failing grade.
Catalog of Record
Students in continuous attendance (summer term excluded) may graduate under the provisions of the catalog in effect on their date of entry into their current curriculum. Changes may be made in catalog requirements between the time students enter a curriculum and the time they are ready to finish. Students graduate under the catalog in effect at the time they originally enrolled. However, if the necessary courses are not available, students will graduate under the catalog in effect at the time of their anticipated graduation. The catalog of record for a student who does a change of program is the catalog in effect at the time the change of program becomes effective.
Course Policies
Auditing Courses
A student who desires to take a course without credit may choose to audit the course by completing the Audit Declaration Form, having it signed by either the instructor, department chair, or dean, turning it in at registration, and paying full tuition. An audit student cannot change the course from audit to credit or from credit to audit after the last day to register or drop/add a course. A grade of "AU" will be assigned to the student upon completion of the course. NOTE: Pell and VA students cannot count audited courses for payment purposes.
Auditing a course is subject to permission of the instructor and is contingent upon space available in the class.
Course Load
For fall and spring semesters, the maximum student course load is 19 credit hours and 9 credit hours for summer term. The appropriate Division Director or the Dean of Academic Affairs must approve overload hours before the registration form can be processed.
Grading System
A final grade is awarded at the end of each course for which a student is registered. Instructors determine final grades by using the following system:
A | Excellent | 90-100 |
B | Good | 80- 89 |
C | Average | 70-79 |
D | Poor | 60-69 |
F | Failure in performance or failure to remove an “I” grade |
Student Classification
a) Full-time: Students enrolling in 12 or more credit hours in each semester
b) Part-time: Students enrolling in less than 12 credit hours in each semester
c) Sophomores: Students who complete 30 or more credit hours with a passing grade
d) Freshmen: Students who have completed less than 30 credit hours with a passing grade
e) Special Credit: Students who register for one or more credit hours without designating a specific curriculum
Transfer Credit
Curricular students are responsible for requesting official transcripts from all previously attended institutions (secondary and post-secondary).
Transcripts for all students enrolled in a curricular program will be evaluated automatically. Transcripts of course work completed at a college or university located outside of the United States must be accompanied by (1) a certified English translation and (2) course descriptions if transfer credit is needed.
Courses taken at a regionally accredited institution in which a minimum grade of “C” was earned, and a comparable course is offered at Roanoke-Chowan Community College may be accepted in transfer if appropriate to the student’s program of study.
Withdrawing from Classes
Students who withdraw or drop all courses from the College before the 60% point of the term must complete the appropriate form and submit it to the Registrar’s Office. Students receiving financial aid are held responsible for repayment of aid. Please refer to the Return of Title IV Funds Policy. A grade of "W" will be assigned.
All other withdraws after the 60% point will receive a grade of “WP” or “WF”. In the event a student must withdraw beyond the 60 percent point because of extraordinary circumstances beyond the student’s control, the student may petition the Dean of Academic Affairs for a “W”. Once a grade has been recorded, petitions will only be considered during the semester immediately after the grade was posted. The final decision will be submitted from the Dean of Academic Affairs’ Office. Students officially registered for courses may not withdraw merely by non-attendance. No drops for any reason will be approved two weeks prior to the end of the semester.