Office of the Registrar Registration Processes
Changes to Program of Study
Students who decide to change programs of study must schedule a conference with their faculty advisor. Upon agreement that the change is warranted, the student will be advised to meet with the Director of Enrollment Services in Student Services where he/she will be given the name of his/her new advisor and advised to submit a Curriculum/Program Change Form to the Registrar. A Curriculum/Program Change Form must be submitted to and approved by the Director of Enrollment Services and processed by either the Registrar or Administrative Assistant or Director of Enrollment Services to deem the change official.
Changes to Student Personal Information
To maintain accurate and up-to-date student records, students must submit a Student Status Change Form to Student Services when changes in name, address, and telephone number occur. For name changes, a certified copy of a court order, marriage certificate, dissolution decree, or other official documentation reflecting the new name must be attached to the change form.
Course Substitution
Under extenuating circumstances, a student may apply to his advisor for approval of a course substitution. A course substitution may be granted upon review and recommendation of the department chair to the dean or provost and in consultation with the chief academic officer. Consideration of any substitution involving a required core course as stipulated in the curriculum standard must receive additional approval by the North Carolina Community College System office staff. For VA purposes, the VA counselor must be notified of all approved course substitutions.
The course used as a substitute must have credit hours that are at least equal to the number of credit hours of the original course. The substitute course must have relevance to the curriculum and should also have relevance to the course for which the substitution is made.
Credit by Proficiency Examination
For selected courses, students may request credit by proficiency examination for previous experience or training. The student must be currently enrolled at R-CCC and must not have enrolled in the course prior to taking the proficiency exam. The student must request the Credit by Proficiency Application from the Registrar and have it approved in order to challenge the course. Students may challenge a course only once. Students successfully passing a proficiency exam with an 80 or better, will receive credit for the course as a “CE” (credit by examination). Credit by Proficiency does not usually transfer.
Credit for Prior Work/Life Experience
Roanoke-Chowan Community College will consider experiential learning or life experiences for transfer credit evaluation for certain programs of study. Students who demonstrate prior proficiency for a course due to previous work or life experiences may also apply for credit by examination.
Students may add courses during the designated add period (first three days of each semester), which sets a cutoff date for allowing students to enroll in courses. Students are not permitted to add courses beyond the scheduled add period unless permission is granted by the appropriate college dean.
Students are permitted to drop courses without academic penalty prior to the 60 percent point of the semester. A grade of “W” will be issued for courses dropped after the census date to the 60 percent point. Students who drop courses after the 60 percent point will receive a grade of “WP” or “WF”. Grades are not issued for courses dropped during the refund period and before the census date of the class.
Withdrawing from a class may affect a student’s financial aid eligibility for future terms of enrollment. The Financial Aid Office is required to process a Return of Title IV Funds calculation when a student is dropped/withdrawn from all courses. Students are encouraged to consult with a financial aid officer prior to dropping or withdrawing from courses.
It is the responsibility of the student to complete the Drop/Add Form, secure all necessary signatures, and submit the completed form to the Registrar’s Office for processing. Faculty may also drop a student when they have exceeded the number of allowed absences. (see Attendance Policy) Drop/Add forms are available in Student Services and online.
Grade Changes
Any change of grade, except course repeats and incomplete grades, must be made by the instructor and approved by the Dean of Academic Affairs. If changes are necessary and the instructor is no longer available, the decision to change a grade rests with the Dean of Academic Affairs. A grade will only be changed if an error was made in computing or recording it. This must be done within the first three weeks of the start of the next semester.
Schedule Purges
Students must pay for all classes by the designated payment dates, or their schedules will be purged from the system. Please see the online Academic Calendar for registration payment dates.