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Mother and Son Start and Finish Nursing Program Together

For Robin Williams and her son, Jared Riddick, a search for change and to make a difference in the lives of others inspired them to enroll in the Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) program at Roanoke-Chowan Community College (R-CCC). On Friday, May 7, they will graduate together more equipped to inspire...

R-CCC Alumnus Selected as North Carolina Teaching Fellow

Ra’Quan Leary, a 2020 graduate of Roanoke-Chowan Community College (R-CCC) and the Hertford County Early College High School (HCECHS) was recently selected as a North Carolina Teaching Fellow. He joins 118 others in the 2021 class. Those named as Fellows may attend any of the program’s five partner institutions:...

R-CCC SGA Leaders

Roanoke-Chowan Community College’s (R-CCC) Student Government Association (SGA) attended the Annual N4CSGA Spring Conference on March 26-27. Due to COVID 19 regulations, the conference was presented virtually. R-CCC SGA leaders who attended were Disha Juikar, president, Javon Williams, vice-president,...

Announcement of Roanoke-Chowan Community College’s Next President

It is my distinct pleasure to announce that the R-CCC Board of Trustees has recommended Dr. Murray Jean Williams be appointed to the position of President of Roanoke-Chowan Community College. The North Carolina Board of Community Colleges approved this nomination at their meeting of March 19, 2021. ...

Full Circle Moment for R-CCC Alumna

Sometimes life presents “full circle” moments. After losing her job as a private caretaker, someone suggested to Isalean Overton that she attend college to build on her job skills. The school they recommended was Roanoke-Chowan Community College.

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